Monday, January 25, 2010

Fibromyalgia Nausea Results Of Being On The Guaifenisen Protocol For Fibromyalgia ?

Results of being on the Guaifenisen Protocol for Fibromyalgia ? - fibromyalgia nausea

I'm just Guaifer protocol for fibromyalgia, after reading the book by Dr. Amand.
I know they have to say with other e-mails from people they were there, but nobody has tried very sick?
My doctor is missing me a lot, but he said that his other 2 patients have tried it and could not tolerate the nausea.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice I can give in terms of nausea?
Has anyone else will be treated with the nausea, too?

Thank you for your time and consideration;)


deb said...

If the attempt fails DRibose. Do not listen to people without fibromyalgia who try to help you say it should be treated. Listening to those, and eventually you will be things that you will find help for a better quality of life.

Person uses only one thing to improve their lives, you need a lot of different things. Drugs can traditional, alternative treatments, diet changes, exercise, physical therapy, painkillers, supplements.

Anne H said...

We hope that you are a bit before continuing.

Entire Site is free. Demonstrates how to use a combination therapy that did not feel bad to feel good.

We use Guaifenesin, but do not work even for me.

Free help per e-mail or by phone as well.

The symptoms, early detection, diagnosis, medications, tips and treatment advice.

We live without symptoms of fibromyalgia.


Dwayne B said...

The GUI does not treat me nausiated. Just not for me at all. The fibro-fix work, "not for me. This does not mean it can not work for you though. I also have MCTD and thus the result of this treatment could not, in fact, but it made me feel even worse. Good luck and ask your doctor for stomach pains.

Deanna said...

I am not familiar with the use of Guaifenesin for LTC ... but I know a little about their properties. Nausea and vomiting, or side effects are rare. This is rare. Common side effects are cause drowsiness and dizziness. In most cases, an expectorant, very well tolerated. I know that overuse and overdose can cause kidney stones, you should consider before starting treatment might consider. Alcohol makes guaifenisen side effects are more pronounced, so do not take it. Moreover, it is necessary to drink plenty of water with it or you dehyrdated ... and you feel bad.

I heard from Dr. Amand pounds designed to help people with LTC. In particular, it is considered a quack, that the results are not repeated in any kind of scientific studies. I have a simple Google search on him and many answers as follows:
"For years, he has as a treatment of fibromyalgia by a physician in Los Angeles, R. Paul St. Amand, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. On supported Dr. Sanbe established and, thinking that guaifenesin appears to alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, in theory, to the muscles, tendons, joints and other tissue deposits of calcium phosphate to liberate harmful, caused by a defect in the functioning kidney. Dr. St. Amand and others believe that guaifenesin works on the kidneys increase the excretion of uric acid and thus also promotes the excretion of phosphates.

The problem is that nobody has been shown in scientific studies of the deposition of calcium phosphate is a problem in fibromyalgia, or that guaifenesin works to alleviate the symptoms. In 1996, the results of a year, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of guaifenesin by Robert M. Bennett, MD, professor of medicine and director of the Division of Arthritis and rheumatic diseases of the targeted Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, are found no difference between treatment and placebo Guaifenesin, ie no change in symptoms or levels of phosphate and / or uric acid in blood or urine.

However, fans made guaifenesin Dr. Bennett and his team have to reach work, a & quot; flawed "study, because participants can cosmetics and other topical products with salicylates (including aspirin), which they disrupt the functioning of guaifenesin. This seems a bit misleading because proponents guaifenesin to treat fibromyalgia is not argued that it would not work if patients are using on current products and oral herbal medicines with salicylates. Furthermore, it is unlikely they can make up salicylates sufficient to absorb interfere with guaifenesin at the presumed effects.

Not only that, Dr. Amand on the attack when someone tries to point out that there is no scientific evidence to support their claims ... See an example here: ...

Please be careful when you choose to use a drug for unauthorized use. Are almost no evidence that it works, and it was not meant to be ingested for long periods.

The only people I know who has been achieved as seen from the TCA for specific painSTS and psychiatrists. I wish him good luck and a speedy recovery!

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